I am a Newport Beach, Orange County photographer. My purpose is simple: explore, experiment and excite. My photography is a constant experiment of curiosity and exploration. I enjoy acting on inspiration and letting it transform my sense of wonder into Art. The simplest of things become breathlessly complex and beautiful when viewed through a lens; it’s unbearable to look at the world without a lens to capture it.

There is nothing more exhilarating than freezing time. An image immortalizes experience. Expressions can speak novels. A still life can move you. Images can persuade and convince you of anything. You cannot deny what you see, you can merely analyze it and choose to accept it, or not. Photography is a different dimension of reality. And is the most realistic of the unreal.

With my photography I hope to forever inspire through creativity. I want you to forever remember the images that I saw, captured, and shared. It is my honor and pleasure to share my view finder with you, welcome to my world. I do hope you enjoy what you see.
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